What Makes a Proactive Partner

Nine red flags we look for before onboarding new clients.


Many folks in the market for a retirement planner think the vetting process is a one-way street. But for financial advisors with established practices, these important relationships must make sense for both sides.

Here are nine examples of individuals who are not a good fit for The Proactive Investor:

1. Their main concern is “hot stock tips.”

We don’t engage in stock-picking. Why? Because time and again, research shows it doesn’t work.¹

¹ Berlinda Liu. S&P Dow Jones Indices. March 16, 2022. “SPIVA U.S. Year-End 2021.” https://www.spglobal.com/spdji/en/spiva/article/spiva-us. Accessed Aug. 17, 2022.

2. They expect guarantees of stock market returns.

The Investment Advisors Act of 1940 doesn’t allow “guarantees,” nor should it. If investment returns (and not financial planning) are a person’s main interest, then that person is not a fit for our practice.

3. They don’t take the big picture into consideration.

Your complete financial picture is painted on a large canvas. Sometimes we need clients to step back and see the entire painting. We like to work with folks who can grasp overall concepts.

4. They have a hard time making and/or keeping appointments.

If you can’t set an appointment, it’s impossible to help you because we can never meet. If you make them but are consistently late, you’re eating into another client’s time — and we simply won’t allow that to happen.

5. They’re not engaged enough.

It’s important to be invested in determining whether you’re on track to meet your financial and retirement goals. If you’re not open to annual review meetings, you’re not a good fit.

6. They “can only meet on weekends.”

Think about it this way: Why wouldn’t you place the same importance on meeting your financial planner as you do your doctor, dentist, accountant and attorney?

7. They’re high-maintenance and consume far too much time.

These folks can make it hard for us to service all of our clients.

8. They’re stubborn and un-coachable.

All we ask is that you keep an open mind.

9. They want to work with multiple advisors.

We pride ourselves on designing comprehensive financial plans for our clients. Working with outside advisors can add confusion and unnecessary complexity to this process.

If you value our knowledge and experience, are looking for competent and caring advice and don’t fit any of the red flags above, chances are you’d make a great Proactive Partner! We’re ready to help guide you through the tricky maze of financial planning to help you arrive at the retirement finish line you’ve always envisioned.

Ready to take The Next Step?

For more information about any of our products and services, schedule a meeting today or register to attend an orientation.

Or give us a call at 704.557.0659.